Writing is hard.
Remembering to write is hard.
Remembering to write regularly is hard.
(You get the idea).
Having failed miserably to write anything even vaguely on a schedule since late 2017, this is a very public and personal promise to do more.
Every two weeks in fact.
That's my plan.
Ideally, I will publish something new and bang on about it across Twitter and LinkedIn.
Generally it will all be geared around digital PR, search, content and social media – and everything that comes with those topics, including leadership and advocacy angles.
Do check out my older stuff too. Essentially anything before this post.
But I won't pigeon-hole myself too much so expect posts on marketing and comms in general.
Wonderfully shoehorned subjects will make an appearance – you have been warned.
Please look out for them. Likes, shares and comments are appreciated.
Abuse also welcome.
Let's go.
This lasted for a year and then died a death! Not with my new plan though!