No doubt everyone has seen Coca-Cola's latest marketing strategy, all about sharing with a friend. If, like me, it has been all over your social media timelines then the strategy has clearly worked in raising awareness of the brand and it's three main products - Coca-Cola, Diet or Zero.
Successful social marketing lets the audience do the talking and this is where the sharing campaign has worked a treat. People have been actively seeking their names on the bottles and cans to satisfy a need for attention (consciously or not), therefore purchasing the product. If you personalise anything for your audience to discover, they'll more often than not do the hard work for you and share.
Now all that remains is for Coke to release a Bort bottle, if only to wind up Bart Simpson.
One of best ever examples of "I wish I'd thought of that" marketing. Probably only achievable with a brand like Coca-Cola, but it takes some guts to 'debrand' at point of sale.